Userprofil von bobcat70
Member since 3 / 2012

Punkte: 2.879
Modder Level 12
Rank: #624
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: 30 m Wohnort: madelia Hobbys: farming Homepage keine Angabe

About bobcat70

keine Angabe
  1. bobcat70 30. 08 2014

    Mod: Minnesota Map
    Yeah I know i took all the sell points and put them at one dump area as if that is all i knew when i started making the map and didn't really mind it since you get the chance of hitting big money every time you dump :P

  2. bobcat70 22. 08 2014

    Mod: Minnesota Map
    Yes 3d sound is fixed that was easy ;)

  3. bobcat70 22. 08 2014

    Mod: Minnesota Map
    If you think it is carelessly made then how about you go try and do it only by yourself with no help by others ya have fun.

    1 Antworten

  4. bobcat70 22. 08 2014

    Mod: Minnesota Map
    Honestly There may be errors and no traffic but it is v1 and pluse it don't crash for me and runs at 60 fps maxed out.

  5. bobcat70 05. 08 2014

    Mod: New Holland Speedrower 240
    They will be fixed in next version!

  6. bobcat70 05. 08 2014

    Mod: New Holland Speedrower 240
    Umm I was thinking about doing it i will have to look into it and thanks for the download :D

  7. bobcat70 04. 03 2012

    Mod: Fendt Vario 939 von T.I.F und ModHoster-Teamwerkstatt
    this is the best fendt out there in my opinion.

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