Download Mod 'Bulldozer D9 Caterpillar' runterladen

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4.0 / 2 Stimmen


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4 Kommentare

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  1. Häckselfan 20. 06 2015

    Häckselfan gerade eben
    nice Mod. 3/5 Stars.

    I'm looking for a Bulldozer to compact and move silage.

    So my Proposal is:
    - make the shield ready for silage, sand and gravel
    - add washable

  2. Imbekt 19. 06 2015

    This is a Komatsu D61 Body

  3. KannNix 19. 06 2015

    It isnt a D9.
    It look look like a D6K

  4. Fendt Fan 12 19. 06 2015

    Please make the shovel silo ready
    Otherwise Super CAT Bulldozer
    Thank you
