Gauges Gearbox und Realistic

V 1.2 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Required Mods:

- Framework By Miko:

Modification included:

- new displays
- manual or automatic gearbox
- driving physics minor improvements


- all vehicles support
- 9 gears maximum
- road / field gears mode
- neutral gear
- reverse gear
- wheel size affects the acceleration
- trailer weight affects the speed of vehicle
- more realistic driving uphill
- accelerate motor speed during jump


1. First install Framework By Miko.
2. Download the zip package and unpack into Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2013 directory.
3. Run file: Documents\My Games\FarmingSimulator2013\mods-fw\Gauges\enable.bat


- Keys:
- More Info:



  • 07. Oktober, 13:13 Uhr
    Version 1.2

  • 503393
    von miko1989
    vor mehr als 10 Jahre


07.10 2013
Modhoster Userbewertung
2.89 / 18 Stimmen


noch nicht genug Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 1.2
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
811,5 KB 7310
07. 10 2013 7.310

24 Kommentare

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  1. ich kann die benötigten mods nicht herunderladen

    1 Antworten

  2. Ewok 07. 10 2013

    wäre schon klasse wenn man es jemand mal auf Deutsch übersätzen würde.

  3. FarmerP99 07. 10 2013

    Deutsch: schön. Wenn man sich ans Schalten g'wönt hat. Probleme gibts z. B. beim 80PS-Bulldog mit 9000 l Häckselgut am Berg....
    Enlish: nice. When you get used to the framework. There are Problems to drive up a hill with a 80hp-tractor and 9000 l chaff...

    1 Antworten

  4. Is it possible to also use this mod without the framework?
    I think having to install and run extra software will keep quite a lot people from using it because you never really know what it really does.

    Another question:
    Is it possible to use this mod when also using the more realistic mod?

    Having a manual gearbox would be great so I'd really like to use it if it's possible.
