Userprofil von sodyaler
Member since 1 / 2019

Punkte: 2
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About sodyaler

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  1. sodyaler 22. 01 2019

    Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
    Yea, I was trying to figure out a way for them not to loop into each other and the only solution was to delete exactfillrootnode. I can't put boxes in by hand anymore but that's fine by me, I always have about 12 egg pallets on the fill trigger anyway. Now they dont loop into themselves if they're side by side

  2. sodyaler 20. 01 2019

    Mod: Purchasable Egg Pallet
    This mod is amazing. There's only one thing I can't figure out, when ever I put an egg pallet next to each other, they constantly try to fill each other and the fill sound plays non stop. It's basically a loop where the pallets are trying to fill each other even when they're full

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