
V 5 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 17

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Description map



Mavericksfarm  is a 4x flat map with 21 large fields and allot of nice flat room for

all these nice placeable mods out there.

The map is made with the bigbud in mind,so it became a map for bigtoys.

5 additional fruits oat , rye , triticale , spelt , millet.


Plenty enough to do on this map.

There is enough grass on the map to cut so you can easely have enough to keep the animals alive during the winter (seasons)

Milk don't sell automaticly, so you will need the kotte universal pack to transport your milk.


Version 2 UPDATE


This is version 2 and the final version of Mavericksfarm  Seasons ready


Unless there appear some problems i will short them out if possible.

I added allot in the second version and improved some things.

- cut down the forestry area,it was to big and i hear it makes the area laggy.

- removed the sawmill for boardpallets and placed 2 woodfactory's in place.

-changed palletfactory's and moved to forestry area

-changed BGA area (siloking under the ground for acces with tipper

-and changed biodiesel area

-removed the little greenhouses and created one big greenhouse that produce 8 different fruits

-removed pallets from greenhouse,compost is needed to produce instead.

-added manure,seeds and fertilizer to farmsilo's

-removed all trees and renewed to work with the seasons mod

-tried to label everything for your comfort.

-the map has 2 placeable area's made snowfree , it's marked on the PDA

ADDED more to do i include an xml with all factory's on it


PS: make sure you don't have other maps in your modfolder because that probably will cause conflicts for this map.


This was my first map and my first steps in map modding, now i know how much work this is i respect all modders even more.

This map was a learning proces , i hope you enjoy the map.

After a few weeks rest i probably gonna make another normal size map so solo players also can enjoy a map of mine.




For support go to my page









Shywizard (youtube) for his nice tutorials,learned allot of that

Nick the Hick (youtube)for his nice placeable reviews , that gives me nice ideas to build in

A special thank you to chaseydog (pc-sg modding )and bdbssb(twitch,youtube)to help me solve my issue's

A special thank you to my tester from LBG group

Modders (sorry if i forget someone)










scripts Kevin98 and Marhu


Urmodder: BaTt3RiE


BaTt3RiE/Kobold Koby

Bdbssb (coffeepack)


and all other modders . Allot respect


  • 01. September, 13:10 Uhr
    Version 5

    Final version

    With this update you do need a new savegame

    colission at pigsgate and seedproductions fixed
    added fuelstorage at the mainfarm and animal area
    added trigger to fuelstorage to fill up your vehicles so you
    can fill up with selfproduced fuel
    higherd the roof at farmsilo 3 , so tippers has more space inside
    animals don't run trough wall's anymore
    made a solution for the cow and sheep dirt
    unreachable gold nuggets ,solved
    pigs didn't make dirt solved (pigs can be pigs again)
    Added grapes,coffee and coffeeBeans to the Farmsilo's
    Cow feedmixer didn't take dry_grass , fixed
    fixed the boards, some fruits didn't show the capacity
    added NEW
    kastorfood,needs the kastorfood vehicles for transport(i'm not allowed to put them in the zip)
    coffeeOrchard and CoffeeRoaster, need special trailer to load coffeebeans and coffee (included in zip)
    icecream factory
    biscuit factory
    added butter and cream to the milkfactory
    changed the little winebarrels into 12 little barrels on pallet for easier transport
    No need anymore to bring them to the cellar by hand.

    Got rid of allot double textures.
    changed two more fields to be owned by players
    added 1 extra smaller field (grassfield)
    Did a huge cut back on the big forest.
    Even with the extra factory's schrinked the map to 1.2GB instead 1.35GB

    If you like the map consider a small donation for more then 3 months work on this map.
    Believe me it's like a full time job and give me more stress the my wife (joke)
    It would be very appreciated, i'm saving for a new system and better equipment.
    Everyone is free.
    For support my Fb page

    1: make sure you don't have another map in you modfolder
    2: make sure you don't have the kastor placeable's in your modfolder they will conflict with the ones that are build in.
    3: you do not need UPK or any other script for the map , all you need is build in the map.

  • 13. August, 21:58 Uhr
    Version 4

    update v4
    you do not need a new savegame

    fixed the dirt area's for animals
    fixed strawbarn didn't accept anything to sell
    added ability to load woodchips on the train at the transporthub near the forest.
    added liquidfertilizer to a sell point
    added seedstorage BGA area
    added on 2 area's , seed,fertilizer,liquidfertilizer and fuel storages so you can fill up seeders and other equipment with your own production.
    fixed fillplane for millet
    did allot to hopefully improve framedrop
    added, fish production, caviar production , smoked fish production
    added script so you can plant more trees
    added second seedproduction
    solved problem with courseplay blocking on the gates at the mainyard
    solved wool spawning place, vehicle behind the wall or in the shed gave the message that there was no place

  • 30. Juli, 10:18 Uhr
    Version 3

    Version3 UPDATE
    For the gameplay you don't need a new savegame unless you wanna see the 8 trees i added near the mainyard.

    -problem at tipplace BGA solved, something blocked the way
    -replaced a few old shaders
    -removed and replaced the prisonwall's around the mainyard
    -and most of all , cleaned up the files and reduced the filesize from 1.9GB to 1.3GB
    it will load faster.
    -tested and solved few issue's

  • 25. Juli, 19:19 Uhr
    Version 2


25.07 2017
Modhoster Userbewertung
3.6 / 47 Stimmen


nach 48 Stimmen

Ist dieser Mod besonders empfehlenswert?

V 5
Landwirtschafts Simulator 17
1,3 GB 7299
01. 09 2017 7.299
V 4
Landwirtschafts Simulator 17
1,3 GB 3295
13. 08 2017 3.295
V 3
Landwirtschafts Simulator 17
1,3 GB 3246
30. 07 2017 3.246
1 ältere Versionen

46 Kommentare

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  1. Trucker-Franz 26. 07 2017

    Hallo, eine sehr schöne Map.
    Ich Mode auch aber nur für mich und ich weiß was das für ne Arbeit ist.
    Für mich ist sie nur zu Flach. Ich bin jemand der gerne abwechslung möchte, denn ich wohne im Odenwald da ist nich's flach.

    Für die tolle Arbeit 5/5

    Lg. FendtFranz

    1 Antworten

    1. Cognac1967 26. 07 2017

      ist ja auch keine Odenwaldmap sondern Maverick, kannste als Moder nicht wissen den Maps bauen Mapper.

  2. Die Map und das was Du da alles eingebaut hast ist sehr schön und möglicherweise auch interessant. Ich bin aber nicht bereit jedesmal meinen Modordner zu leeren, nur damit ich auf der Karte spielen kann. Wenn man es nicht macht, dann schmiert das Spiel regelmäßig, meist beim Abspeichern und Beenden ab. :-(

    1 Antworten

  3. frösche 26. 07 2017

    also sehr schöne map aber coursplay macht probleme sonst sehr schön 5 sterne

  4. Panalphina 26. 07 2017

    Map mit 1,9 GB viel zu groß geraten ! Muß festellen das die Map´s , gerade bei der 4 fach Map immer größer werden, um sie zum laufen zu kriegen müßte man seinen Mod - Ordner gründlich aufräumen - LEIDER -. Also nicht´s für mich. Aber für deine Mühe trotzdem 3 Sternchen !

    1 Antworten

  5. german1955 26. 07 2017

    modhoster gibt es jetzt schon so lang e, aber leider gibt es immer noch mooder die nicht begreifen das ein pdabild das o und o von uns usern ist,das sol keine krtik sein, denn ich bin froh das es euch modder gibt. nur ein hinweis

  6. Steini2012 26. 07 2017

    Hat jemand eine Übersichtskarte hier zum einstellen ? Will doch jeder wisse wie die ganze Karte ausschaut ;)
