Userprofil von simpic78
Member since 7 / 2013

Punkte: 1
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Simon Alter & Geschlecht: 25 m Wohnort: Canada Hobbys: le Hockey sur glace,le quatre-roue,jouez a farmingsimulateur 2011 et 2013 Homepage keine Angabe

About simpic78

Venez faire des partis multi-joueurs suivie de carrière svp je souhaite me faire des amis de d'autres pays j'aime bien le domaine de l'agriculture
  1. simpic78 21. 09 2014

    Mod: Schlumpfland
    hi I have a problem about your schlumpfland maps I fail to fill my trailer of soil, sand and gravel the silo they do not respond then please help me as your description of map indicates to buy building materials but how to buy them please help me though your card is very beautiful and you did a great job answering me a sap j, I need your help assess its trees will thank you for taking the time for read

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