Userprofil von Dzanito
Member since 4 / 2011

Punkte: 223
Modder Level 6
Rank: #9276
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Dzanito

keine Angabe
  1. Dzanito 30. 05 2013

    Mod: ZDT Mega 20
    Sorry, i haven't read Files where it is write correctly. But I saw download link on other websites and there is wrong credits.

  2. Dzanito 30. 05 2013

    Mod: ZDT Mega 20
    To be precise, you have written wrong credits.
    Author of model and textures: mustang1368
    Convert model into i3d format: Maca
    Compile model: Dzanito

  3. Dzanito 08. 07 2011

    Mod: ANNABURGER Wechselbruecken Pack
    Who dumbass made reskin of ZDT MEGA 25 pack without autor's premission?

    1 Antworten

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