Userprofil von MoonCrystal
Member since 1 / 2019

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About MoonCrystal

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  1. MoonCrystal 19. 01 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    Thank you ! Don't forget, I answer you in my first question below, but I think I find the solution myself, the 3.2 version doesn't need "zip mods" that were on the 3.1 version ? (see my answer below in the page with my first comment).

    Thank you for your work.

    1 Antworten

  2. MoonCrystal 19. 01 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    Hi there,

    I have cows (10) for 3/4 days now but it seems that their place are always clean ? "Property" is always 100 % but animals eat mixed ratio, water and make milk it normal that their place is never dirty ?

    1 Antworten

  3. MoonCrystal 16. 01 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    No pb. I saw that you haven't included others mods witch are included in older version of your map as additional zip mods. The 3.2 version comes alone without any zip mods. Is it necessary to download first the older version to have the zip mods included in the older version and and download the 3.2 for just the map update or added zip mod on the older version are not necessary now ? Thank you in advance.

  4. MoonCrystal 12. 01 2019

    Mod: Felsbrunn Umbau - Multiplayer fähig
    Excellent work here. Just few things to fix. There are regarding the modDesc.xml file with the solar Panel. The folder is not the right folder should be "SolarPanel" instead of "solarpanel" for the storeItem tag. With this tweak, error are gone and game log is out of error.

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