Userprofil von Russia
Member since 7 / 2012

Punkte: 77
Traktor Wäscher
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Ivan Alter & Geschlecht: 44 m Wohnort: My Home is Russia Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Russia

keine Angabe
  1. Russia 20. 08 2013

    Mod: Byurtini Schweiz Map
    Here's a photo Byurtini Switzerland, and it is in Google search

    Look what it is, this village

  2. Russia 05. 10 2012

    Mod: Bothenheilingen
    For beta okay, I did not ask to climb through GE and protests in the game log file
    and who have not powerful computers.

  3. Russia 05. 10 2012

    Mod: Bothenheilingen
    For beta okay I did not ask to climb through the Secretary and the protest of the game log file
    and who have not powerful computers.

  4. Russia 13. 08 2012

    Mod: Altenhof
    Such a feeling that the screenshots show the technique and not the card for such a fashion that if the card is to be screenshots of maps and not technology

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