Download Mod 'Poland Map' runterladen

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  1. Steve007 23. 02 2014

    Please, make an image from the whole Map. So everyone could see how big are the fields.

  2. Higgings 23. 02 2014

    Hmm, may have been wrong, the map I have tryed was BigPolishFarm by Martini.

  3. Higgings 23. 02 2014

    I think I used the map when it was uploaded on a other side.
    There are no place to sell your stuff.
    They have made sell triggers where you can sell, butt it is on the middel of a field and on in a waterditch.
    Landscape was lovely, very nice forrest and you can plow fields bigger.
    But it is not finish.

  4. hjupp 23. 02 2014

    Wie öffnet man die Datei?
