Money Cheat

V 1.2 Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013

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Well... There's always THAT kind of mod.


Yep, i made a cheat. But not like everyone else.


Basically I used this Weird Units Converter on and made a cheat where items like champagne bottles and laptops appear in the vehicle store and if you buy them, the amount of money you would need to buy that item IRL would be added to your balance (see images)


Idea / Concept: ago-systemtech
Everthing else by: The_0mega1

Store item descriptions: Wikipedia

  • 06. Februar, 17:41 Uhr
    Version 1.2

    Added 5 new items:

    Movie Ticket: $12
    Book: $15
    Lobster Dinner: $45
    Video Game: $60
    Amazon Echo: $99

  • 02. Februar, 19:56 Uhr
    Version 1.1

    Added 5 new items:
    Can of Coca-Cola: $1
    Big-Mac: $2
    Pair of Flip-Flops: #3
    Cup of Coffee: $4
    Pint of Beer: $5

    For real-world accuracy, the 'price' of iPhone 12 has been reduced from $800 to $799.

    For clarity, "Champagne Bottle" has been renamed to "Dom Pérignon Champagne"

  • 27. Januar, 22:23 Uhr
    Version 1.0


27.01 2023
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V 1.2
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
1,1 MB 929
06. 02 2023 929
V 1.1
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
691,2 KB 457
02. 02 2023 457
V 1.0
Landwirtschafts Simulator 2013
389,4 KB 501
27. 01 2023 501

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