Userprofil von dikkop
Member since 5 / 2011

Punkte: 225
Modder Level 6
Rank: #9200
Vorname: rob Alter & Geschlecht: 31 m Wohnort: beilen Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About dikkop

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  1. dikkop 01. 09 2013

    Mod: Noord Brabant
    do not work it crashes it keep saying thad the shapes files dont load

    1 Antworten

  2. dikkop 28. 09 2012

    Mod: McLendonLoggingTrailer
    we need the triggers and stuf to to use this trailer mate could u upload them ?

  3. dikkop 16. 02 2012

    Mod: Kirovets 6*6
    start numpad enter doenst work here need a solution

  4. dikkop 20. 09 2011

    Mod: Forststraße Matten
    well maby i cna make something like thad thad u can buy them in the shop but dont know if it works

  5. dikkop 19. 09 2011

    Mod: Forststraße Matten
    hehe XD i need it a way to get to the logging deck with the trucks so i made this XD

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