Userprofil von DaleC
Member since 6 / 2011

Punkte: 44
Modder Level 2
Rank: n/a
Vorname: Dale Alter & Geschlecht: 28 m Wohnort: porthleven Hobbys: Farming Homepage

About DaleC

I am Dale, From Cornwall England which is the best place in the world. I model with Sketch-Up, AC3D and SolidWorks, best in SolidWorks. I like rap music because I iz a chav :L. I also aim to keep the rules fair. Like editing mods without permission........
  1. DaleC 04. 03 2012

    Mod: Bale Mod
    It feeds the cows the same as harvesting grass. If you do not like it f off.

  2. DaleC 24. 07 2011

    Mod: Zetor 7245
    No-one asked me permission to remove loader. so DELTE!

  3. DaleC 25. 06 2011

    Mod: AS Marston Grain trailer
    Why don't you modhosters get a life and sign to a decent site. We made these accounts this morning to state our disappointments. We'll also be organising a spam attack.

  4. DaleC 25. 06 2011

    Mod: AS Marston Grain trailer
    Recht hast du Gits. Seine gegen die Regeln der Landwirtschafts-Simulator Mods ohne Erlaubnis Sie wissen, dass hochzuladen. Entfernen Sie das jetzt oder für immer in der Nähe dieser Website.

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