
V 2.07 Beta Mod für Landwirtschafts Simulator 22

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Der VehicleInspector soll euch eine schnelle Übersicht über eure Fahrzeuge geben. Was machen diese/was haben sie geladen/welche sind aktiv etc. etc.

Im Multiplayer und SinglePlayer Spielen.

*MultiOverlayV4 Hud Ready*here

!ATTENTION! some vehicle mods are not supported

Features: InGame Settings Menü. Alles Optional Einstellbar. Join Vehicle mit Click auf ein Fahrzeug in der Anzeige wenn du die Maus aktiverst hast. etc. etc.

View LS 22 KeySettings für MouseCursor On/Off (Default *F12* für alle meine Mods) hier

!! Es funktioniert nicht alles und es ist auch nicht alles Freigeschaltet !!

Die vielfalt an Fahrzeugen Anhängern etc. macht es unmöglich alles und jede Constellation zu testen. Darum BETA und darum braucht ein Modder Bug Reports

BugListe für Aktuelle Version: Fix(next Version) Prüfen Nicht Reproduzierbar Info

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Nicht mehr und nicht weniger

Und wer es nicht mag der sollte es einfach nicht laden :-)

1.Veröffentlichung nur mit Original Downloadlink. KEIN Ersatzlink

2.Das verändern sowie erneutes hochladen ist nicht gestattet

Bitte schaut erst in die Bugliste bevor ihr einen Fehler meldet oder Probleme mit etwas habt.(HappyLooser#1790) (Discord)




Modell: HappyLooser
Textur: HappyLooser
Script: HappyLooser
Idee / Konzept: HappyLooser
Tester: HappyLooser/ModHoster User
Sonstige: HappyLooser

  • 13. Januar, 12:53 Uhr
    Version 2.07 Beta

    --implements Simple Vehicle GroupManager SP/MP (load over GroupsProfile) *GUI Menue GroupManagerSettings*
    **Vehicle can Group 1 and 2 and 3 etc. (multiple)
    --implements Slot Cmd for MultiOverlayV4 Mod - Vehicle Groups
    --diverse Bugfixes

  • 28. November, 18:32 Uhr
    Version 2.05 Beta

    --new see MissionsLeasing+Fields --> VehicleInfoHud (Fields only Host Server or SP)
    --new see MissionsLeasing Icon green and Text ../M
    --fix vehicle overload Icon/Text Flicker
    --set HelpJob End Timer higher - Blinking HelperJob max 300 sec. (old max 60 sec.)
    --fix double InfoHud Damage Value (LS Patch 1.2)
    --new marked Vehicle (m) and TAB/Join marked Vehicle (j) (check Key Settings and double keys)
    **marked vehicle is for active play/not save status
    --implements new Marked Icon and Cmd (for MultiOverlayV4 Mod) Cmd = Left/Middle/Right Click (onVehicle)
    --implements AutoLight On (night) On/Off (Other Setting)
    --fix double Icon (Harvester...) for Icon Display view Real Vehicle Icon
    --fix Lua Error ...viOutput.lua:704/222 is HelperName On and Train (AD problems)
    --fix Life Text Ticker MP "see not Farm Vehicle Text"
    --fix view totalAttached/see Attached Vehicle (weights delete)
    --new view PS min-max (VehicleShowInfo Hud)
    --fix MouseCursor On/Off and not joint first Vehicle (LS Patch 1.2)
    --2.00-- private Fix
    --fix Precision Farming DLC Display --> MouseCursor On/Off - LS22 F1 Display Off

  • 20. Mai, 19:52 Uhr
    Version 1.99 Beta

    --implements Vehicle Warning text (*needs Text Ticker On*) (*needs a Warning On*)
    --implements Text Ticker On/Off + vehicle sayings (only German) On/Off (Other Setting)
    --implements view FillLimit On/Off (by VehicleFruitHud)
    --update new Gui Menue Version - fix global load xml playerFrozen Off (GUI Menue)
    --update new HL Script Version
    --fix Helfer JobEnd Info On and view JobTypeText Off (fix not see Vehicle)

  • 27. April, 18:42 Uhr
    Version 1.98 Beta

    --fix ...viTotalStateConfig.lua:36: attempt to call method 'defaultValues' (a nil value) *MOH Profile Switch*
    --fix load xml viewVehicle/category... all
    --implements check storeitem overlay other mods lua errors (Hof Bergmann 1.2)

  • 10. April, 18:23 Uhr
    Version 1.97 Beta

    --implements Slot Cmd for MultiOverlayV4 Mod - View Vehicle Statistic/ALL
    --new optional Player Frozen On/Off *Default On* (own GUI Menue Setting !NOT VI Setting!) (Global for all my Mods)
    --implements own Info Text Display
    --delete old value ....xml --> isTrain --> use categoryTrain
    --implements Setting Line 2x new Icons (notFillLevel/notAttached On/Off)
    --fix logic value view notAttached Vehicles
    --fix optic - MP Server Upload Info png ....(no effect on the game)

  • 25. Februar, 17:24 Uhr
    Version 1.96 Beta

    --implement Setting Line 3x new Icons(leasing,gps is found,parking is found)
    --new view GPS Icon/Text (optional On/Off... in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default On *needs GPS Mod*
    !!!!! needs AD Version >= !!!!!
    --new view Helper RemainingTime CP/AD (optional State On/Off ... in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default Off (user wunsch) !ATTENTION PERFORMENCE!
    ! set AD RemainingTimer over AD Setting Menue ! >>>>>>THX AD Team, for VI Support<<<<<<
    + 2 Cmd and 2 Color Icons for MultiOverlayHud (Cmd Group VehicleInspector-Others) view Hidden .... On/Off (not set AD/CP State, set only Visible On/Off)
    + optional TextColor (...XML ...color.remainingString)
    + optional Separator 00:00 (...XML.. text.remainingTimeSeparator)
    --new view Helper RemainingTime Waypoints CP/AD (optional State On/Off in Gui Menue *see Txt*) default Off (user wunsch) !AD Waypoints MP not active!
    + optional Text Waypoints |21w (...XML.. text.remainingWaypoints/remainingTimeWaypointsSeparator)
    !!!!! needs AD Version >= !!!!!
    --new Vehicle Blinking is Helper Job End (optional 0=Off or 1-60 sec in Gui Menue *see Warnings*) default 20sec (user wunsch)
    --new Setting Line Icons and CS (SortCategory) for isLeasing,isGps,isParking Vehicles
    --fix Setting Line train/car Icon On/Off
    --fix Leasing Icon for IconDisplay (overlap with Controlled Name)
    --fix isParking Icon for IconDisplay (was not visible) *needs view Vehicle isParking true*
    --fix MP Bug Error ...../Motorized.lua(2240) : attempt to index field 'consumersByFillType' (a nil value) *to buy new Vehicle*
    --fix XML Load setMasterOrder/setOrderVehicle/setOrderFillLevelInformation
    --fix/New Widescreen IconDisplay - set optional correction Value (...XML...otherValues.iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or...*
    --fix/New Widescreen Gui Menue - set optional correction Value (modsSettings/hlGuiMenue.xml ...iconWidescreenFix) default 0 *for 34 Zoll set 0.300 and testing or...*

  • 19. Oktober, 15:03 Uhr
    Version 1.95 Beta

    --fix viSetGet.lua:582: attempt to call method 'getAIRootNode' (New AutoDrive Version)

  • 23. September, 12:41 Uhr
    Version 1.94 Beta

    --fix Damage and Fuel Percent (XML save) Thx for Bug Report
    --fix "Running LUA method 'update'. dataS/scripts/I18N.lua(530)" with Patch 1.71 -Bale Pressen(is Setting On and Player onFoot Infos)

  • 08. Mai, 13:25 Uhr
    Version 1.93 Beta

    --fix Vehicle Farm Fake Id
    --fix AD Helpername and IconDisplay (viOutput.lua:580: attempt to index local 'currentHelper' (a nil value))

  • 30. April, 10:48 Uhr
    Version 1.92 Beta

    --AD Helper fix
    --fix for "Precision Farming DLC"

  • 23. April, 15:05 Uhr
    Version 1.91 Beta

    --fix overlap display and "Precision Farming DLC"
    --fix Lua Error UnloadSide Text by Autoloader Script (old versions)
    --stop Lua Error "MAN TGX Hacke" Mod ?

  • 24. März, 20:10 Uhr
    Version 1.90 Beta

    --view Unloadside Support for Autoloader Script by Achimobil (needs GuiMenue view Vehicle Trailer UnloadSide On)
    --fix Horse Ridding and BlackScreen
    --fix view FillLevel *Combine/Harvester (only IconDisplay)

  • 04. März, 11:29 Uhr
    Version 1.89 Beta

    --new Implements view Warning Text Refuel/Damage % *needs View Warnings --Is Damage Text On/Is Fuel Empty Text On--* (user wunsch)
    (Prio, Blocking,Water,Damage,Fuel) (set GUI Menue % values)
    --new view Overload Text (GUI Menue --View Overload Text--)
    (vehicleInspectorSettings.xml (isOverload="Text") ---> View Text Display) (View Icon Display / set Automatic Default Overload Icon)
    --set new Wait Color Type for AD (Yellow)
    --fix can Loaded FillTypes (Gui Menue On/Off Trigger)
    --fix Ghost Line and Background
    --fix Background Width and Only Controlled

  • 06. Februar, 09:35 Uhr
    Version 1.88 Beta

    --fix/new VCA and viSetGet Lua Error (not everyone,hm)
    --fix see notFillLevel and is Helper or is Player
    --fix Preview Can Loaded FillTypes and Controlled Vehicle (view permanent)

  • 05. Februar, 11:13 Uhr
    Version 1.87 Beta

    --implements more VehicleHud Infos OnFoot (damage,capacity,weight)
    --implements view Can Loaded FillTypes Info OnFoot (optional On/Off in Gui Menue)
    --set Default 15m InfoHud
    --fix "to Large" and View Contractor Vehicles
    --unlocked Vehicle Attached Icon option (optional On/Off in Gui Menue) --> only for Vehicle Icon Display
    --implements Vehicle+Attached Preview --> MouseCursor On and in Vehicle Icon(Icon Display) or Vehicle Line(Default Display)
    (optional On/Off in Gui Menue)
    --fix Train Icon (is Icon Display On)

  • 02. Februar, 18:06 Uhr
    Version 1.86 Beta

    ! ATTENTION --> Only Compatible with new Update Versions *MultiOverlayV4,VehicleFruitHud,HeapPreview*
    --new set optional view PlayerName max length
    --new set Max Length VehicleName/FillTypeName (+5)
    --set new JobTypeTxt (Off,FullName,SmallName)
    --implements Info State Txt for Key Contractor Vehicle On/Off
    --new key Binding View Force Display (default key L or optional over Setting Line) Switch 0,1 or 2 --> only for Vehicle Icon Display
    --new *VEHICLE ICON DISPLAY* (optional On/Off in Gui Menue)
    --new keyRegister (*needs for VehicleInspector,MultiOverlayV4,VehicleFruitHud,HeapPreview Mods*)
    --implements Setting Line (optional on/off)
    --implements Other Settings Page (VI Gui Menue) --> for Optional Extras
    --implements view Vehicle + Attached Separate Damage (optional On/Off in Gui Menue Other Setting) --> is Select Attach
    --implements view Vehicle Trailer UnloadSide (optional On/Off in Gui Menue Other Setting) "Abkippseite"
    --view Vehicle Working Width and VI is Off (unlock)

  • 27. Januar, 15:57 Uhr
    Version 1.85 Beta

    *Sorry* Error in Version 1.84
    --fix Lua Error viSetGet.lua:400: attempt to index a nil value

  • 27. Januar, 14:32 Uhr
    Version 1.84 Beta

    --implements view Vehicle Working Width (optional On/Off in Gui Menue) "Arbeitsbreite" --Default On
    --fix view over MultiOverlay Slot (ü,ä etc. Filltype not see)
    --implements Helper + Info H-VC H-CP H-AD etc. (CoursePlay/AutoDrive/VehicleControl/...)
    --implements Blocking Vehicles (is Blocking Warning Text On)
    --implements Job Text by AD (needs View JobType Text On)
    --fix Overlap MiniMap and VehicleInspector Display
    --joinVehicles set State Cmd + Icon for MultiOverlayV4 Hud (Join Vehicles Own or Contractor)
    --Gui Menue Update

  • 01. Januar, 19:35 Uhr
    Version 1.8 Beta

    --copy header
    --new Optional VI Output over MultiOverlayV4 Hud Slot
    --fix view Player Name and AutoDrive Helper
    --fix view Player view Helper (isPlayer and not isHelper)
    --new optional color on/off icon for Cmd VehicleInspector On/Off
    --fix load Server (stoped)
    --new VehicleInspector On/Off Cmd for MultiOverlayV4 Hud
    --new performenc optimization for OnlyControlled Vehicles True
    --fix Speed Text
    --fix View PlayerName

  • 17. Dezember, 21:27 Uhr
    Version 1.75 Beta

    --New Scripts Only for LS22 and Ingame GuiMenue

  • 01. Dezember, 20:45 Uhr
    Version 1.62 Beta


01.12 2021
Modhoster Userbewertung
4.75 / 126 Stimmen


nach 156 Stimmen

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