Userprofil von tirotractors
Member since 10 / 2014

Punkte: 31
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About tirotractors

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  1. tirotractors 21. 03 2017

    Mod: Dreistern-Hof
    stock photo die Kartoffel-Rübe durch route66 ist ein positionierbar Objekt oder ist bereits in der Karte? wo man es finden kann? Vielen Dank Super-Karte !!!!

    1 Antworten

  2. tirotractors 11. 02 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    thanks beautiful map ... congratulations

  3. tirotractors 10. 02 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    Hi Pandahma .... you can overwrite version 1.5 or you have to start a new career? Congratulations thanks

    1 Antworten

  4. tirotractors 16. 01 2017

    Mod: NorgeCrest Valley 17
    Hallo Pandahma super map !!!but I have a problem: how do I get "seeds2" (red seeds)? Thanks

    1 Antworten

  5. tirotractors 20. 04 2016

    Mod: Same Fortis 210 HPE
    grazie per la risposta ....grande mod

  6. tirotractors 19. 04 2016

    Mod: Same Fortis 210 HPE
    sarebbe bello se avesse anche le ruote.......quando lo compro allo store è senza ruote come mai?

    2 Antworten

  7. tirotractors 17. 04 2016

    Mod: NH BB1290 und Nadal R90
    Unable to open the rake no mouse symbol !!!!!

  8. tirotractors 17. 04 2016

    Mod: Claas Quadrant 3200 and Nadal R90
    keine Maus Symbol, um den Rechen zu öffnen !!!!!!!

  9. tirotractors 17. 04 2016

    Mod: Claas Quadrant 2200 and Nadal R90
    Kann nicht der Rake zu öffnen gerne tun?

  10. tirotractors 17. 04 2016

    Mod: Fendt 1290 S XD and Nadal R90
    Unable to open the rake !!!!!!!

  11. tirotractors 20. 10 2015

    Mod: Volkshill
    Thanks for the help as always friendly regards tirotractors

  12. tirotractors 20. 10 2015

    Mod: Volkshill
    Excuse Biface where I buy chickens to put in the factory where I put water and wheat straw? Which means I have to use? Thanks Tirotractors

    1 Antworten

  13. tirotractors 18. 10 2015

    Mod: Volksholm
    OK thanks for the help

  14. tirotractors 18. 10 2015

    Mod: Volksholm
    Biface Hello, congratulations for your maps a description of what the construction of the picture No. 8 with the symbol of the egg that is also in the map Volkshill.Mi can explain how it works? Thanks Regards Tirotractors

    1 Antworten

  15. tirotractors 15. 10 2015

    Mod: Volkshill
    biface hello, congratulations for the great map, but I have a problem: does not appear the case of potatoes to pick them up in front of the machine lavaggio.c'è a solution? Thanks Regards Tirotractors

    1 Antworten

  16. tirotractors 11. 10 2015

    Mod: Bauernhof Lindenthal
    hello, to use the new map I have to start a new game or I can sovrasrivere on old map .... thanks

  17. tirotractors 11. 10 2015

    Mod: Bauernhof Lindenthal
    hello, to use the map I have to start a new game or can overwrite the old one on .... thanks

    1 Antworten

  18. tirotractors 07. 10 2015

    Mod: Bauernhof Lindenthal
    I look forward to the next version hello thanks

  19. tirotractors 07. 10 2015

    Mod: Bauernhof Lindenthal
    beautiful map loading very fast but I have a problem I can not remove the manure from the stable of beef and I can not even see where .there is a solution? thank you

    1 Antworten

  20. tirotractors 29. 12 2014

    Mod: Volksholm
    help !! someone can tell me where they sell the seeds made seedmaster? thanks

    1 Antworten

  21. tirotractors 29. 12 2014

    help !! someone can tell me where they sell the seeds made seedmaster? thanks

    1 Antworten

  22. tirotractors 28. 12 2014

    Mod: Volksholm
    BIFACE hallo, wie SeedMaster helfen? Dank

  23. tirotractors 28. 12 2014

    hello marcog I can explain how it works seedmaster with compliments for the map

    1 Antworten

  24. tirotractors 26. 10 2014

    Mod: John Deere 8370r
    this mod is to correct !!!! ruined saving are gone all means !!!!

    2 Antworten

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