Userprofil von Decker_MMIV
Member since 9 / 2011

Punkte: 2.320
Modder Level 12
Rank: #911
Vorname: keine Angabe Alter & Geschlecht: keine Angabe Wohnort: keine Angabe Hobbys: keine Angabe Homepage keine Angabe

About Decker_MMIV

I do not understand German, so please write in English.
  1. Decker_MMIV 01. 11 2016

    Mod: repairVehicles - Fahrzeuge reparieren
    May I bring to attention, that using Utils.overwrittenFunction() _requires_ the new-function to have a special extra argument; superFunc

    Example: Take a look at how getIsFoldAllowed() is defined in the

    Here is a proposed different solution for your script - apply similar to getSellPrice():

    function repairVehicles . getDailyUpKeep(self, superFunc)
    -- Remember original operating time
    local actualOperatingTime = self.operatingTime

    -- Temporarly change operating time
    self.operatingTime = math.max(0, self.operatingTime - self.rvLastOperatingTime)

    -- Call original script-code, that was "overwritten"
    local res = superFunc(self)

    -- Restore original operating time
    self.operatingTime = actualOperatingTime

    return res

    Please study the LUA documentation for difference using : (colon) or . (period) when declaring a function.

    1 Antworten

  2. Decker_MMIV 31. 10 2016

    Mod: FruitHudText
    Oh my! Is this really really old mod of mine, still being loosely converted to newer versions of Farming Simulator.

    Does these "modders" not know that the actual fruit- and fill-type names now is found within the base game, so there is no need for such "modded" translations in the ModDesc.XML file.

    Oh well. Guess it is my own "fault", by making it back then in the year 2011.

    1 Antworten

  3. Decker_MMIV 16. 10 2015

    Mod: Lindbejb Oxbo 334 Merger
    Hmm? - May I say that 'high quality models' should not really have such a huge percentage of "texture waste".

    Just looking at, there is so much "unused space", that the actual 'decals' could easily be fitted within a 512x512 image - thereby reducing overall VRAM usage.

    3D-model makers should remember that if their mod/model is to be used in a game _along_ with other mods/models, they need to pay attention to the RAM/VRAM usage. Balance "details" against "usability".

    Read the last paragraph in this post:

  4. Decker_MMIV 16. 06 2015

    Mod: iT Runner Service Plattform
    Hmm? Looking at the .I3D file, the UserAttributes reveal that there are two 'fertilizer' fill-triggers, and no 'seeds' fill-trigger.

    And just tested it in-game, it will NOT refill a sowing-machine.

  5. Decker_MMIV 27. 05 2015

    Mod: Unterstellhalle
    I took a quick look at your v2.0 of this 'shelter hall' in GIANTS Editor.

    Was really impressed by the vertically folding doors. This is much better than the sliding ones, which are seen in other mods' buildings.

    However I did notice that the total vertices count was kind of a bit high (+120.000). Upon closer examination, I discovered that the lamp-fixtures ('lampen') and the water-drain system ('dachrinne') used about 65.000 vertices combined. Removing those 'detail objects' reduced the entire vertices count to about 57.000.

    May I suggest that you in future models, you try to use less polygons/triangles for "rounded objects". Specially the lamp-fixtures, which IMHO does not need to be completely round. Maybe a cylinder/dome with a maximum 8 or 12 sides would be enough. - And set them to have 'no collision', to improve the overall CPU usage for collision detection the game has to calculate each frame.

    Another suggestion for a very tiny bit more reduction of the total vertices count: Maybe consider having the two walls in 'Bodenplatte' consist on only one plane each, instead of being "cut up" by the stairs at both ends.

  6. Decker_MMIV 25. 04 2015

    Mod: SoilMod Anleitung auf Deutsch
    You seem to be able to write in English, and I assume you therefore also are able to read English. - Do you really need an 'English to Dutch' translation then?

    If ever there were so helpful people, like Beowulf, that would translate from German to English - then I see a lot of the German mods and their descriptions here on MH, which could make use of better human translations, instead of the machine translations.

    Sadly we can't all be multilingual, so we just try our best. ;-)

    1 Antworten

  7. Decker_MMIV 23. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    You could probably use the 'Hired worker consumes fuel and seeds' mod:

    1 Antworten

  8. Decker_MMIV 21. 04 2015

    Mod: TimerTool
    If this "tool" is the same as found on, then it apparently uses undocumented Windows API calls.

    So use with caution, as undocumented Windows API calls are not meant to be used by 'normal user applications'.

    1 Antworten

  9. Decker_MMIV 17. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    @Srgt_Foxhound - Yes, but it will be better if you don't. Let upsideDown fix/remove unused code in a future version of his mod.

  10. Decker_MMIV 17. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    The mod QuickCamera has that functionality.
    And yes, it is a mod made by me.

  11. Decker_MMIV 15. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    Ignore my previous "calculation", as it is very wrong, I just discovered when trying it out in-game.

    This seems to work better - and note that it first uses 'screen-height' to calculate iconHeight:

    local iconHeight = math.floor(0.013 * g_screenHeight) / g_screenHeight;
    local iconWidth = (iconHeight / g_screenAspectRatio);

    Regarding the:
    local iconWidth = math.floor(0.0030*5760)/1920;
    That code it obsolete, and it not used for anything.

  12. Decker_MMIV 14. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    An aspect ratio of 143:27 - wow!

    Maybe this calculation will be better?:

    local iconHeight = math.floor(0.0095 * g_screenHeight) / g_screenHeight;
    local iconWidth = (iconHeight * g_screenWidth) / g_screenAspectRatio;

    4 Antworten

  13. Decker_MMIV 13. 04 2015

    Mod: driveControl
    I can see why the MODE_PARALLEL isn't as smooth in multiplayer. - Your code sends a network-event in every call of update(), which is called many-many more times than updateTick().

    Perhaps you should only send an SetCruiseControlSpeedEvent when the new calculated max-speed changes significantly.

    Probably also try to move some of the module-code to updateTick(), so the update() only checks for input-actions and will be faster to execute.

  14. Decker_MMIV 04. 04 2015

    Mod: MIG Map Soil Mod Bodenattribute
    Blame Google translate that it can not understand 'geändet'. - Maybe its because it is spelled wrong, as your 'geändert' did correctly translate.

  15. Decker_MMIV 04. 04 2015

    Mod: Separater Füllstand
    It looks like this SeparateFillLevel mod conflicts with Courseplay.

    When CP controls a vehicle, CP will call getAttachedTrailersFillLevelAndCapacity(), thereby causing multiple texts to be rendered.

  16. Decker_MMIV 03. 04 2015

    Mod: Separater Füllstand
    I know this is a minor thing, but would you consider making the text 'right-aligned', so it does not overlap with DriveControl's operating-hours?

  17. Decker_MMIV 31. 03 2015

    Mod: MIG Map Soil Mod Bodenattribute
    (Google translate):
    "The size of the HUD's can be geändet in the fmcDisplay.lua line 19."

    Please let me know if this is (still) a problem, by creating an 'issue' at GitHub. - Just make sure it is written in English, as I'm no native German (nor English) reader.

    1 Antworten

  18. Decker_MMIV 16. 03 2015

    Mod: erweiterter Tempomat
    May I suggest the following changes to the script:

    - Put it on the 'Drivable' specialization, instead of the 'Steerable'.
    - Test as early as possible, if the vehicle has a human driver. I.e. test for "self.isEntered" or "self:getIsActiveForInput(false)" as the first thing. As there is no need to execute the remaining code if the vehicle is not controlled by a human.
    - There is no need to check if a boolean-variable is true, to set it to false. Just set it to false.
    - Put the drawing of text, into the draw() function. And also do use g_i18n:getText() instead of hardcoding "Fahrstufe: ".
    - Instead of doing the 'ECC.t = ECC.t+dt' and 'if ECC.t >= 1100 then', try to just use 'InputBinding.hasEvent()' and then increase/decrease the 'ECC.currentSpeedLevel' accordingly.
    -- When 'ECC.currentSpeedLevel' is changed, only then call 'self:setCruiseControlMaxSpeed()', as there should *not* be any need to do it continuously at every call to the 'update()' function.

    And lastly: Remember to specify a <l10n><text name="..."> element for every <inputBindings><input name="..." > element.

    1 Antworten

  19. Decker_MMIV 11. 01 2015

    Mod: AdvancedFillAutoAimTargetNode
    May I suggest some small improvements to the script-code:

    - You should probably put the code in the updateTick() method, instead of the update() method, as I guess it is not required to update the target-node at _every_ frame-update (i.e. many-many-many times per second). The updateTick() method is called less times per second, but should suffice for your mod's purpose.

    - Probably also verify that the 'self.fillAutoAimTargetNode' has a value, and is not nil. So only when it has a value, the get/setTranslation() can be called, without causing errors.

    - You could use some 'elseif' to make an 'if ... then .. elseif ... then ... elseif ... then ... end', as when the first expression testing against 'loadInPercent' is true, there would be no need to test the remaining 'if statements'.

    - There are some "gaps" in your 'loadInPercent' if-expression tests. What happens when 'loadInPercent' has a value of 20.5 or 40.2 or 68.99? None of the 'if statements' will then match as I see it.

  20. Decker_MMIV 27. 12 2014

    Mod: Fruit Hud Text
    The error that is occurring in line 73, is due to FS15 has changed how a combine now determines what kind of content it has.

    The FS15 base scripts does not contain any 'self.grainTankCapacity' nor 'self.currentGrainTankFruitType' variables anymore.

    If Sewi123 is capable of understanding the LUA script-code, and take the time to study other mod's scripts, he should be able to fix that problem. - Or maybe some of you others can help him with it.

    1 Antworten

  21. Decker_MMIV 15. 11 2014

    Mod: driveControl
    v2.1 findings:
    - When handbrake is on, and pressing '3' (cruise-speed) the vehicle begins to drive anyway. Seems like a bug to me.
    - It did puzzle me a bit first time trying the mod, that when turning on engine and could not drive forward with 'W'. Maybe give a hint that the handbrake is still on? (Like making the handbrake-icon bigger for a few seconds, when activating the gas?)
    - The icons are not aligned correctly, when using screen aspect-ratio 4:3 (1600x1200 resolution.)

    - Would it be possible to implement a 'quick-tap key action' feature, to increase/decrease the gear- and gas-limiter in steps of 10 or 20?

  22. Decker_MMIV 09. 11 2014

    Mod: MPOwner Besitzer festlegen
    I have not yet tried your mod in-game, but I can see from the LUA scripts, that you are not really using the localization features - i.e. the g_i18n:getText("...") method and <l10n><text name="..."> elements.

    May I suggest before you release a version 1.0, that you make better use of the internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) methods, and not hard-code displayed texts within the scripts, so it will be easier to translate them to other languages by only having to modify the ModDesc.XML file.

    1 Antworten

  23. Decker_MMIV 03. 11 2014

    Mod: Inspector
    Looking at version 1.2, and I'm not quite sure you put the statements before the _last_ 'end;' statement.

    Now you have apparently placed them in the last if-statement which is called many times due to the for-loop, which is not "optimal".

  24. Decker_MMIV 02. 11 2014

    Mod: Inspector
    Suggestion for the draw() function; have it restore the font-settings to default, before leaving the function.

    I.e. call these before the last 'end;' statement in draw().

    2 Antworten

  25. Decker_MMIV 24. 10 2014

    Mod: Beskidy Polen
    Unfortunately there is quite a lot of errors and warnings when attempting to load this map - you should really take a look at your LOG.TXT file:
    - Failed to open xml file '
    - Out-dated custom shader. '' has version 0
    - Can't load resource (due to wrong relative paths)
    - Mesh 'Model' has zero triangles
    - Texture width or height doesn't equal 2^n
    - Raw texture format
    - 3D stereo sound files are not supported
    - getChildAt index out of range (causing endless call stack errors)
    - failed to load particle system
    - Add trigger callback failed, object [..] is not a physics trigger
    - PhysX warning for object [..]: Static actor moved

    Guess I need to attempt fixing these myself.

  26. Decker_MMIV 23. 10 2014

    Mod: Gamsting
    Found a bug regarding field-borders.

    I bought field #2, but am prohibited from using it. - The reason: field #1's borders overlap field #2. And since I do NOT own field #1, then I can't use field #2.

    In the future, please make sure you do not make a field's borders overlap into another field. Use more "rectangles" for irregular shaped fields.

  27. Decker_MMIV 25. 03 2014

    Mod: MultiFarm Mod
    I took a look at the MultiFarm.LUA script (v1.0.1), and spotted a potential problem in the update() function. - Why does it continuously over-write the MissionPDA.draw function in such a way as it does? Maybe that part should only be executed one time only, instead of doing it at each-and-every call to MultiFarm:update()?

    1 Antworten

  28. Decker_MMIV 10. 02 2014

    Mod: Zunhammer Xerion3800 SaddleTrac
    Looks like you did not actually test your change.

    v2.1 still has the same problem in the ManureCultivator.LUA script, containing code that should not be there, causing all hired workers to consume always!

    But the ZHSaddleTankMH mod seems fine, with regards to the scripts.

  29. Decker_MMIV 09. 02 2014

    Mod: Zunhammer Xerion3800 SaddleTrac
    Jerrico, for your version 2.0, you just turned your ManureCultivator.LUA into a "global mod" with regards to the function getIsHired(), being no better than the placeable mods by that spanish guy - so now all hired workers will consume always, also when sowing!

    Apparently you completely misunderstood my instructions for adding an _extra_ specialization file called HiredWorkerConsumes.LUA to the ZHSaddleTank mod. You should NOT add the code-statements I provided into the Tank.LUA script!

    Oh well, I suppose someone with scripting knowledge will explain it to you.

    1 Antworten

  30. Decker_MMIV 10. 02 2013

    Mod: Follow Me
    I have posted a comment in the support topic for the 'Follow Me (v0.68)', about why such a feature is not available. - It basically boils down to, that I am not very good at math. - Be that a lessen to you all school kids. ;)

  31. Decker_MMIV 20. 12 2012

    Mod: Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds
    Thank you, gotchTOM, for the English to German translation - hope lukas553 will understand it now. :-)

    I took your comment through to understand it. Yes I actually did notice that he placed his own name in the moddesc.xml author tag and for some reason also in the LUA-script itself. - The latter I find that a bit odd though?

    Since this is such a simple script - and apparently also included in some (spanish?) placeable-mods found here on ModHoster - I do not want to make a fuzz about it.

    Besides this script is (hopefully) going to be replaced by a better one, that actually detects the remaining amount of seeds/fuel, so the hired helper stops automatically. - Once the base scripts are released by GIANTS that is, so us that can understand LUA script-code, can study them and produce new and interesting mods.

    Also, my first steps into modding for FS, started by converting a FS09 script made by Micha381, which I found really useful and wanted it in FS11. - However, Pogo (If I recall the name correctly) was not too keen to see my conversion of the script on LS-UK.INFO back then.

    1 Antworten

  32. Decker_MMIV 20. 12 2012

    Mod: Hired Worker Consumes Fuel and Seeds
    lukas553> "[...] I could reach the modders not because I can not send me PM him [...]"

    Hmm? That is odd, because I do have an account on ModHoster.COM called 'Decker_MMIV'.

    Anyway, if it works in FS2013, then it works. - You are welcome to keep this upload, as long as you provide support to it.

    I do not read/write German, so need to translate the comments here (including the "comment rules"), in an attempt at understanding what others write.

    1 Antworten

  33. Decker_MMIV 19. 11 2012

    Mod: Courseplay
    Very useful mod, for us who play singleplayer mostly.

    A minor flaw with some of the inputBindings, as they are missing the relevant l10n text-entries, which results in "Missing ... in l10n_en.XML" when viewing Options->Controls screen:


    Also there are a few texts in the scripts, that are not using g_i18n:getText(), so they are shown in the German language on screen.

  34. Decker_MMIV 07. 11 2012

    Mod: "Follow Me / Convoy"
    For all those who PM me - Yes I will eventually make this mod for Farming Simulator 2013 also.

    But I am still waiting for GIANTS to release the script-documentation for FS13, before I can make it work correctly.

    So please be patient.

  35. Decker_MMIV 03. 09 2012

    Mod: "Follow Me / Convoy"
    I have translated your comment with, and if I understand you correctly, you probably did not exit Farming Simulator completely.

    Problems are not always solved, by leaving the current game-session. Sometimes you need to close the entire game application ("Exit to desktop"), and restart it again, to see if that will solve the problem.

    1 Antworten

  36. Decker_MMIV 01. 09 2012

    Mod: "Follow Me / Convoy"
    /me approve of this video, even though I do not understand what he is saying in German. ;-)

  37. Decker_MMIV 29. 08 2012

    Mod: QuickCamera
    Unfortunatly it seems that ptacha1994 did not include the whole description of my updated QuickCamera v0.93(beta).

    You can find it all on "the English LS site" - where the description is not machine-translated.

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